Week 5: Elite Training Plan
Cross Fit Workouts
Find one day this week just to work on a new skill such as rollerblading or climbing. Start trying your new gear.
Be sure your are recovering and eating a full meal within 2 hours of training. Refuel within the first 30 minutes with protein and carbohydrates. This is your most important meal of the day, as an athlete.
Monday Workout
Warm Up for Cross Fit Training
Hip Mobility Drill
Main Set
3 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups
Rest (180 sec) between sets
Rest 5min After Pull Ups
4 Rounds, "Interval based".
Hold each round within 5 sec of your best round.
Rest (60sec) between Rounds
2 Rope Climbs 15 ft accents or ascend 1 time
25 Double Unders
2 Dead lifts @ 90%
Endurance Run
6 x 3 min intervals
Rest 1 min on intervals #1, 3 and 5. Rest 3 min on intervals #2 and 4.
Use a treadmill on full incline or a hilly route or stadiums.
Hold maximal distance possible on each of the 3 min intervals.
Warm Up for Cross Fit Training
Jump rope 250 times, hip mobility drill
Bike: SC: 10 mile , LC: 18 mile , U: 25 mile
Bike this on a hilly route. If you can bike on the trail do so and you can cut the time down to what it would normally take you on the road.
80% for the first half, 90% for the last half. Choose distance based on your event.
Warm Up for CrossFit Training
Jump Rope Barefoot 6 min., mixing in variables of DU's, Cross Overs, single foot, running.
5 - 7 wall walks (start standing up with your back to the wall about 3 feet away. Lean back until your hands come in contact with the wall. Walk your way down as deep as you can. Reaching the floor is your ultimate goal. Walk back up the wall with out falling. That is 1 wall walk). Rest as needed between. OR 5 Bridges for 30 second holds, rest 30sec to 1 min between.
Main Set
5 Rounds
Not For Time.
Body Weight Bench Press Max Reps
Inverted Row Max Reps, Chest must Touch the Bar.
Rest As long as needed Between Rounds
"Inverted Rows are to be done using the Bar as soon as you Rack the weight, Immediately Start your Rows. Round will be Terminated as soon as you let go of the Bar".
Swim, Kayak or Row
12 x 20sec Sprints, All out Efforts ... 2 min Recovery between sprints.
Warm Up for CrossFit Training
ROM stretches
Main Set
Dead Lift 5x1 @ 95-100% New PR or Fail
Rest (240sec) Between Lifts
Rest 5-10 min
4 Rounds For Time:
10 Kettle Bell Swings 1.5/1 Pood. Russian Swings with active Pull down. Move the bell as fast as possible.
10 Burpees, Max Height Jump on each Rep.
Friday Workouts
Warm Up:
12min AMRAP
5 Thrusters 105 lbs
7 Glute Ham Raises
9 GHD Sit ups
Rest 5 min
5 min of Muscle Up Practice if you have the means. If not try handstand push ups.
5 x 2 k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k.
90 second recoveries (1-3-5 should be the same, and 2-4 should be the same if done outside)
Warm Up:
Spin on Bike 5 minutes
Run: 1 mile Hill climb, Incline between 6-12%, Add 20lb weighted Vest.
Repeat and hold within 5 seconds.
Pick a known area so you can retest in a few weeks.
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