CrossFit Elite
8 Week Adventure Racing Plan

The elite CrossFit workout is just that. For those of you who want to push the limits. It will combine Cross Fit and Endurance to make one hard workout.
You'll be doing a Cross Fit workout 3-5 times per week and doing Endurance 5-6 times per week. The session are still short, but very intense. Adding the two together, will help you excel.
The distance of race your doing does not matter. When a CrossFit distance workout comes up I'll tell you how far to go. For instance a sprint racer may run 5 miles and an expedition racer 13 miles.
Elite is not your distance, but the type of athlete your are at your distance.
Why 8 Weeks of CrosFit?
At the end of 8 weeks you should have no problem following the
Cross Fit Endurance
website. You'll be able to choose the CrossFit workouts right for you, after following this plan.
Cross Fit Endurance is free so you are all set!
Week 1
We dive right in here. There is no building up. This week we'll focus on biking a little more than running. But you are going to normally see 2 bikes, 2 runs, 1-2 rows and skills, along with strength training.
If your feel like your not recovering it is OK to take a day off. Cut one of the strength workouts and not the endurance workouts. There is no need to try to make up days, but just be sure to adjust your schedule so you get all Time Trials and long distance CrossFit workouts in as they only come up every 3 weeks.
Week 1 Elite Cross Fit Adventure Race Training
Week 2 we'll start to do some intervals in the "special" sports. This is what makes adventure race training so interesting. You sometimes have 5 different sports in which to train.
When an odd sport such as rollerblading is on there, if you do not do that sport, you can substitute one you do in your upcoming race, or do the optional workout.
Good luck and have fun on those time trials this week! Next week we'll be moving into the long time trials.
Week 2 Elite Cross Fit Adventure Race Training
This week really bumps up the mileage. It is time trial so go at it hard, however be smart so you can finish strong. Try to negative split, which means finish the second half of your run or bike faster than the first half.
You'll see 30 mile rides on the bike and a 9 mile run on the long for the ultra athletes this week. If you are a sprint or middle distance racer, you'll see your distance included.
Week 3 Elite Cross Fit Adventure Race Training
The CrossFit workouts may be shorter this week, but they are brutal. If you need a break, you may remove a Main Set, but not an endurance day. Have fun with those sprints this week!
Week 4 Elite Cross Fit Adventure Race Training
Week 5
You should be settled in nicely now. Some of the CrossFit workouts look easy, because they are short. Well short means hard. Go all out on these short workouts.
This helps your anaerobic system prepare for race pace. We just get to do it in a shorter time than most distance athletes.
Week 5 Elite Cross Fit Adventure Race Training
Week 6
OK we are moving back to a little distance but not too much. Be sure to get that 90 minute bike and 65 minute run in this week. These are key for the endurance athletes.
Go hard on the short stuff. You should be getting strong. Keep records. At this point, I had knocked 3 minutes off my 1.5 run Time Trial.
So yes I followed along on this training to make sure it was laid out correctly. Oh and because this is how I workout daily!
Week 6 Elite Cross Fit Adventure Race Training
Week 7
This is a chance to test how well you did on your last 10k. If your time has not gone down, then you may not be resting enough. Rest is very important. That is when you get stronger and faster.
For instance today as I write this, I am really tired. I took the day off even though it was my day to run a 10k. I'll skip a weight workout this week and still run the 10k when I feel more energy.
Week 7 Elite CrossFit Adventure Race Training
Week 8
From here on out you can follow
and the
Cross Fit Endurance.
You'll want to do 3-4 days of Crossfit and 5 days of CrossFit Endurance.
Alternate your time trials through the disciplines you'll have in the next race focusing on biking and running.
Remember to work on technical things throughout the week such as rock climbing, mountain biking and kayaking.
Good luck and tell us what you think of the program. Feel free to contact me with questions as well. I have been using various forms of Cross Fit for adventure racing for 2 years now.