Elite Workout Week 6

Monday Workout



30:20 x 8 rounds, 30 seconds on 20 seconds off, all out effort!

Main Set

5 Rounds for Time of:

10 Step Ups 135lbs 20" Box

Run 200m

Rest 5min

3 Rounds of:

1min Hollow Rocks

Rest 30 sec

1min L-sits on the Dip Bars



90 minutes total: at 85% for first 45min then pick it up to 90% on the last 45min

Try to mountain bike or ride a hilly route.


5 Total Rounds.

30sec on,20sec off: Move from one exercise to the other in this order.

Double Unders

GHD Sit ups

Push ups

Seated Box Jumps. Sit on 12" box ,Jump up onto the 30" Box.

Kettle Bell Swings 1.5 pood.

Trail Run or treadmill on hills

Goal is to use maximum effort for 2 min interval.

120:60 x 6

or 2 min on 1 minute off x 6

Cover as much distance as possible on each interval.


Trail BIKE or Bike Hilly Route

9x1min On, 1 min Off

Hold distances as consistent as possible, do this as an out and back. C2/ swim measure meters.

Foul if you go over or under your 1st round distance. RPE of no less than 16.

Foul= 2 min of max rep push ups.


Shoulder Press 1x3 @ 90%

Rest 2min

Push Jerk 1x3 @ 85%

Rest 2min

Split Jerk 1x3 @ 80%

Rest 5min

For Time:


Sumo Dead lift High Pull 95lbs


Trail Run or Hilly Course

SC: 15 minutes

LC: 45 minutes

U: 65 minutes

Cover as much distance as possible in your set time.

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